World’s largest HD-TV in Tokyo

World’s largest high definition TV screen in Tokyo

Another marvel of technology to see on your next trip to Japan, is the world’s largest high-definition video screen at a horse racing track in in Fuchu, Tokyo.

Built for the Japan Racing Association (JRA) by Mitsubishi Electric, the screen measures 11.2 meters (37 feet) x 66.4 meters (218 feet), is about 4 stories high and has a surface area of 744 square meters (8,000 square feet).

The screen has four different resolutions to present images in a manner that provides best viewing based on the viewer’s distance from the screen. Total cost of the screen is reported to be about 3.2 billion Yen.

In the video below, a Fuji TV news reporter runs from one end of the screen to the other (in 12.8 seconds)...Watch videos here

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